Bunny King
Artoria Pendragon
Conditions of Contract
Composite portrayal of Artoria Ruler . This version has the divine physiology of the Lion King version , and possesses Avalon .This portrayal is heavily influenced by the myth of King Arthur . Therefore she is canon divergent in that respect .Masters must be able to use mana . No more than 3 masters will be allowed . Master does not equate to ship .Story focussed account within the MV .I do not accept masters that already have more than 2 servants , nor those that already have a version of Artoria as a servant .Multi-ship with significant chemistry .Ruler is playful and flirtatious in comparison to her counterparts . This is not an invitation into DMs unless specifically asked .Ruler does not need a master to exist / function .NSFW is selective . Both writer and muse must be 18+ and have significant chemistry .Please See Here for the various versions and abilities of Artoria .Please See Here for the details of Ruler .
King Arthur - History
Early histories which give accounts of the Briton victory over the Saxons at the Battle of Badon Hill - an event closely associated with Arthur - but do not identify the leader of the Britons as Arthur. The figure of Ambrosius Aurelianus is given in the earliest sources and this would make Ambrosius the best candidate for the historical Arthur except that other sources cite someone named Arthur as Ambrosius' war-chief. It is generally agreed that the legendary Arthur was based on an actual figure but who he might have been is unclear. The most reasonable understanding is that the legendary Arthur is based on a great historical warrior named Arthur.
King Arthur - Legend
Once upon a time , there was a wizard named Merlin who arranged for a mighty king named Uther Pendragon to sleep with a queen named Igrayne who was another king's wife . Merlin's stipulation was that , when the child of their union was born , it would be given to him . All of this happens as it should , the child is named Arthur , and he is given to another lord , Sir Hector , to raise with his own son Kay . Many years later , when Arthur is grown , he accompanies Kay and Hector to a tournament in which Kay is to compete , finds that he forgot Kay's sword at home , and so takes one he finds in the forest stuck in a stone . This is the Sword in the Stone which can only be drawn from the rock by the true king of Britain .Merlin returns at this point to explain the situation to Arthur , who had no idea he was adopted , and helps him fight the other lords who contest his claim to the throne . Although the Sword in the Stone is frequently associated with the famous weapon Excalibur , they are two different swords . The sword Arthur draws from the stone is broken in a fight with Sir Pellinore and Merlin brings Arthur to a mystical body of water where the Lady of the Lake gives him Excalibur .Excalibur is more than just a sword ; it is a symbol of Arthur's greatness . In some versions of the legend Arthur gives the sword to Sir Gawain but , in most , it is exclusively Arthur's . This is in keeping with many ancient tales and legends in which a great hero has some kind of magical weapon . Once Arthur has forced the other lords to recognize his legitimacy , he marries the beautiful queen Guinevere and sets up his court at Camelot .He invites the greatest knights of the realm to come and dine in his banquet hall but , when they do , they begin fighting over who will get the best seat . Arthur severely punishes the knight who began the trouble and , to avert any repeat in the future , accepts a round table from his father-in-law . From this time on , he explains , everyone sitting at the table will be equal , including himself , and everyone's opinions will be weighed seriously no matter their social standing . Further , anyone requiring assistance will be welcomed in the hall to request it and every wrong shall be righted by Arthur and his knights .The motif of the Round Table , along with the magical weapon , sets Arthur above the kings who have preceded him who believed that their position of power dictated what was right or wrong ; Arthur believes that everyone's opinion is valid and that might should be used to support right , not define it . Arthur again sends out invitations to noble knights to join him but this time his messengers are to go even farther , beyond the boundaries of Britain .Among the knights who answer his call is Lancelot of the Lake , a French knight who is unrivaled in combat . He and Arthur become friends at the same time that he falls in love with Guinevere and she with him . While this affair is going on behind the scenes , the Knights of the Round Table are engaging in all kinds of fantastic adventures . If there is no apparent adventure , Arthur will go off and find one . In the famous story of Gawain and the Green Knight , a challenger comes to court to start the adventure . In the story of Jaufre (also known as Girflet) he arrives at the court to be knighted and then proceeds on his own adventures before returning and involving the others .The greatest adventure the knights undertake is the quest for the Holy Grail . The grail is originally a platter in the French version of the legend or cauldron in the Welsh . It is transformed , however , into the cup of Christ used at the Last Supper by the time Malory revises the story and this is how it is generally understood . The grail quest can only be completed by a knight pure of heart and this is finally accomplished by Galahad , son of Lancelot .Throughout all these adventures there are a number of times Guinevere is kidnapped by some menacing lord and has to be rescued or other ladies are in distress and also need the assistance of a noble knight . There are dragons , giants , invisible spirits , sacred wells , unending waters to cross , inanimate objects which move and speak , courageous heroes , scheming villains , women who are beautiful and noble and others whose beauty conceals their devious nature . Encountering all of these, Arthur remains a good and noble king until the affair of his queen and best friend is revealed by Arthur's illegitimate son Mordred who then challenges Arthur's right to rule .In the final battle between Mordred and Arthur , Mordred is killed and Arthur mortally wounded . Guinevere retires to a convent and Lancelot to a hermitage . All of the other great knights of the court are killed . Sir Bedevere helps Arthur from the field and returns Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake . Once the sword has been returned , Arthur dies and is carried away on a ship to the isle of Avalon .
The legend continues